Projects/ Catogether

Reimagining Social Interactions with Catogether
Reimagining Social Interactions with Catogether


Catogether is an innovative social networking app designed to make spontaneous meetups effortless. Inspired by Schrödinger's cat, Catogether combines the thrill of randomness with practical event coordination. Here's my journey of transforming social interactions through creative design and intuitive interfaces.

Team: individual

Timeline: Jun 2023

Deliverables: product ux/ui, branding and design system, illustration

Team: individual

Timeline: Jun 2023

Deliverables: product ux/ui, branding and design system, illustration

01 Problem 🐣


Moved to a new city, wanting to find someone to play tennis with... I couldn't find any apps to help.

Moved to a new city, wanting to find someone to play tennis with... I couldn't find any apps to help.

Moved to a new city, wanting to find someone to play tennis with... I couldn't find any apps to help.

I wanted to explore random fun events in the area but faced the challenge of making spontaneous connections

I wanted to explore random fun events in the area but faced the challenge of making spontaneous connections

How might we…

… create a platform that enables users to swiftly propose and join spontaneous events

… create a platform that enables users to swiftly propose and join spontaneous events

02 Define ✍🏼

Pain points

Users' voices

Users' voices


Need a way to connect for casual hangouts on short notice.


Imagine stumbling upon nearby activities without prior arrangements


Wish I could easily join spontaneous events without the hassle of planning


New in town, craving last-minute connections for instant fun.

Competitive analysis

I examined five existing social networking apps

I examined five existing social networking apps

I examined five existing social networking apps

to identify critical features, trends, and gaps in facilitating spontaneous meetups:

Key Findings

  • None provide features that promote impromptu meetups

  • Mostly focus on romantic relationships 

  • Very few concerns events based on interests and poor ux


  • Provide seamless event creation & rapid engagement, 

  • For non-romantic, interested-based activities 

  • Facilitate spontaneous meetups


Design principles

Design principles

Spontaneity first

HMW enable users to effortlessly create and join spontaneous events, removing traditional planning barriers?

Intuitive navigation

HMW create a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily navigate and find events with minimal friction?


HMW tailor event recommendations to individual preferences, ensuring users find relevant and engaging activities?

Vibrant and engaging aesthetic

HMW create a visually dynamic and energetic UI that captures the excitement of spontaneous social connections

03 Develop 👩🏼‍💻

User flow

Catering towards three flows

Catering towards three flows

To determine the flow of the app design, i asked myself: well what is the main point of this app, and what is the easiest way to get the users there? 

Based on that, i came up with a user flow with three main focus:

  1. Onboarding (personalisation)

  2. Search and join events

  3. Manage events

Paper prototypes

To begin visualising the solution, I created paper sketches. Having a tangible example of the interface allowed me to rapidly critique and adjust my design before taking the time to recreate it digitally.

The famous thought experiment

Since the topic is facilitating spontaneous events, the first thing that comes to mind is the famous thought experiment in quantum physics, called schrodinger’s cat.


So based on that, i drew up some ui elements featuring cats and boxes, lending a a kind of unique visual identity to the app

Personalised onboarding survey

Building on the most effective apps i studied, i found that implementing an onboarding survey for first-time/ returning users, can really help better tailor the content to one’s preferences

Notable feedback

  • Users expressed confusion regarding the purpose of the 'boxes' concept.

  • Need for further streamlining the structure of event creation.

  • Desire for clearer navigation between the 'Search', 'Explore', and 'My Boxes' sections.

Low-fi wireframes

I then set out to create some low-fi wireframes

Testing and improvements

#1 major improvement

Removal of bottom navigation

Removal of bottom navigation

  • implement navigation drawer instead

  • Based on user feedback, letting the user to naturally flow to other parts of the app seemed to be a better fit 

  • Initially desired bottom navigation to allow ease of adaptation for the user

#2 major improvement

Implement floating action button (FAB)

Implement floating action button (FAB)

  • Originally to post events, users have to go to “My events” - “Create event”

  • Upon feedback, adopting a fab helps users take the primary action by making it visually prominent 

  • Boost user engagement

#3 major improvement

Introduce backdrop component

Introduce backdrop component

  • Originally search and results display were on two consecutive pages

  • Based on feedback, introduced backdrop as the central framework, housing navigation and filters on its back layer, and main content on its front layer  

  • Allow smooth and efficient navigation, and users to take action on information 

04 Deliver 📦

Product architecture

Three main sections

Three main sections

1. Personalise (yellow)
2. Search (blue)
3. Book (green) 

Product architecture

Flow structure

Flow structure

A flow-structure is a task-based structure, requiring screens to be accessed in consecutive order.

Back layer: navigation & filters

Front layer: main content

This allows users to quickly move from passively browsing information to taking action on it – all within the same screen.

This design ensures smooth and efficient navigation through flows, simplifying the user experience.

Final design



The  personalise section is dedicated to curating areas of interest. Serving as a part of the onboarding experience, Catogether utilises this information to craft tailored event recommendations that align with users' preferences.

Final design

Content Filtering

Content Filtering

Users can quickly customise Catogether's content by using filters on the top of the screen. Nested in the back layer of a backdrop component, these filters will affect the content displayed on the front layer, allowing users to view content tailored to their needs and preferences.

Final design

Manage events

Manage events

Mood board

Design system



Catogether has three primary colours, each is used to create a distinct visual theme for each section.



Catogether use Rubik as the typeface, and make use of the variety of weights available by using Rubik Regular, Medium, Semi-Bold, and Bold.

05 Takeaways 💭

I gave my best in the design and learnt a ton.

✨ Navigate complexity in Task flow and IA
The most challenging part of Veego was crafting a seamless task flow and sitemap. This process demanded a keen understanding of both user needs and business objectives to develop an effective information architecture that supported fluid user interactions

✨ The importance of planning
Meticulous, early planning is the key to a smooth design process

✨ Simplicity in UI
- Recognizing the power of a simple and intuitive UI design was pivotal. 
- Employing visual cues and clear navigation can enhance the overall usability

✨ Incorporating brand attributes
- Infusing the app's brand attributes into design elements enhanced its identity.
- Utilizing color, typography, and visual cues aligned the app's aesthetic with its energetic, daring, and fun persona.

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