Projects/ Veego

From Omnivore to Herbivore: Designing Veego for a Plant-Based Lifestyle

From Omnivore to Herbivore: Designing Veego for a Plant-Based Lifestyle


In my final year at university, I designed Veego, a fun and user-friendly app that helps people transition to a vegan diet. Through research, brainstorming, and user testing, we created an engaging tool that makes plant-based eating easy and exciting. Join the journey towards a greener lifestyle with Veego!

Role: Lead UI/UX designer

Timeline: Feb - Apr 2022

Deliverables: product ux/ui

Problem 🐣


Eating habits and the attitude-behaviour gap

Eating habits and the attitude-behaviour gap

Transitioning to more plant-based diets and reducing meat consumption have drawn increasing public attention for a number of reasons, including environmental, ethical, or personal health concerns.

However, eating habits are deeply rooted in one's lifestyle and socio-cultural environment, hence could be difficult to change.

Even if someone wish to switch to a diet with less meat consumption, they do not necessarily act/ knows how to act on it.

Therefore, it raises the question of how technology can address this attitude-behaviour gap and support people's transition towards a more plant-based diet. 

Transitioning to more plant-based diets and reducing meat consumption have drawn increasing public attention for a number of reasons, including environmental, ethical, or personal health concerns.

However, eating habits are deeply rooted in one's lifestyle and socio-cultural environment, hence could be difficult to change.

Even if someone wish to switch to a diet with less meat consumption, they do not necessarily act/ knows how to act on it.

Therefore, it raises the question of how technology can address this attitude-behaviour gap and support people's transition towards a more plant-based diet. 

Transitioning to more plant-based diets and reducing meat consumption have drawn increasing public attention for a number of reasons, including environmental, ethical, or personal health concerns.

However, eating habits are deeply rooted in one's lifestyle and socio-cultural environment, hence could be difficult to change.

Even if someone wish to switch to a diet with less meat consumption, they do not necessarily act/ knows how to act on it.

Therefore, it raises the question of how technology can address this attitude-behaviour gap and support people's transition towards a more plant-based diet. 

How might we…

… create a mobile app that motivates users to gradually adopt or maintain a vegan diet?

… create a mobile app that motivates users to gradually adopt or maintain a vegan diet?

Solution πŸ’Ž

Your vegan adventure begins here! Our tailored onboarding survey crafts the perfect app experience to match your dietary goals and meal preferences effortlessly 

Unleash your vegan culinary adventure: Find perfect plant-based recipes suited to your dietary preferences and schedule

Unlock the ultimate vegan knowledge hub, and track your impact and celebrate your journey towards a greener future

Define ✍🏼

Secondary research

What insights did we gain from user research?

What insights did we gain from user research?

Literature Review: Key factors for sustained behavioral change are ability, motivation, and opportunity.

Competitor Analysis: Evaluated strengths and weaknesses of eight dietary apps.

Key Findings:

  • Successful apps use self-monitoring, visual feedback, competition, and social comparison.

  • Few apps offer nutrition tracking or food replacement guidance.

  • Common features include recipe collections but lack comprehensive dietary support.

User interviews

What are the main challenges in adopting a vegan diet?

What are the main challenges in adopting a vegan diet?

User Surveys (n = 86)

Explored user experiences, goals, and challenges in reducing meat consumption.

Key insights


want to try veganism in small doses


believe enjoyment of eating meat/ cheese to be the biggest barrier

> 50%

indicated having exclusive deals and offers from health food stores and restaurants would make the transition easier. 

Semi-structured Interviews (n = 7)

Based off our survey and interview results, we identified six major barriers that the app need to address. 

  1. Enjoyment and commitment to eating meat

  2. Lack of knowledge in preping vegan meals

  3. Limited vegan options in restaurants

  4. Concerns over cost, time, and efforts

  5. Taste of vegan meal easily becomes boring and tasteless 

  6. Limited and scattered sources of information  

Turn into…

Product requirements

Product requirements

Personalised Goals

Users can set and adjust their individual dietary goals.

Comprehensive Information

Provide users with vegan recipes, meat alternatives, and dining options.

Interactive Visualizations

Users can track their progress and interact with their goals.

User-Friendly Design

Ensure the app is mobile-based, intuitive, and enjoyable to use.

User persona

User persona

Age: 27

Occupation: Sales Assistant

Bio: She is a pro-environmental activist. She always prefers to cook/order a vegan/vegetarian meal when she can.

Goal: She wishes to be part of the vegan community for environmental concerns

Needs: Suggestions for common vegan replacementsStep-by-step recipe for vegan meals Find nearby vegan restaurants with good ratings

Age: 19
Occupation: Sports Science Student

Bio: He strictly follows a vegan diet, and only go to restaurants with nice vegan dishes. He usually cooks at home during weekdays and hang out with friends at weekends.  

Goal: He wishes to have something to make his life as a vegan easier. 

Needs: Information on nutrition and how to cook a balanced vegan meal Keep track of his macronutrient ratio goalsSuggestion for vegan-friendly restaurantsInspiration for vegan recipes 

Age: 55
Occupation: Retired

Bio: She take gym class regularly but her age has inevitably brought heigthened risks for various health conditions (e.g. high blood pressure).

Goal: She wishes to change her eating habits to stay healthy. 


  • Age specific educational articles 

  • Keep track of her nutritional goals based on age 

  • Recipes for vegan meals 

  • Find nearby vegan restaurants

User scenarios

Identify key features

Identify key features

Based on the user persona, eight user scenarios/motivation were created. For example, a user motivation could be "the user wants to find vegan restaurants nearby".

For each scenario, multiple solutions were proposed. Participants ranked solutions for each scenario, providing valuable feedback. (See below for detailed process).

Goal: To identify concrete features with high feasibility and usability.

01 Create user scenarios

  • Developed eight scenarios based on user personas and motivations.

  • E.g., "User wants to find nearby vegan restaurants."

02 Generate solutions

  • Generated multiple solutions for each scenario.

  • E.g., Restaurant finder with search feature

03 Rank and evaluate solutions

  • Conducted interviews with potential users.

  • Asked participants to rank solutions for each scenario.

  • Recorded additional comments and preferences

04 Select optimal solutions

  • Kept the most voted solutions (after design considerations) for each scenario.

  • Refined solutions based on participant feedback.

Develop πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ’»

User flow

Concept sketches for early testing

Restaurant finder



Notable feedback:

  1. The jargon of diet types during onboarding (e.g. ovo-lacto, pescatarian) a bit confusing

  2. Wish to have the option to skip onboarding and goal setting and then come back to it later at their convenience 

  3. Restaurant finder feature well-liked


Usability testing

We conducted think-aloud and task-based usability tests with seven potential users to assess:

  • Usability: How easily can users complete key tasks?

  • Engagement: Are users motivated to use the app regularly?

  • Behavioural Change: Does the app support dietary changes?

Key insights

Usability and Visual Design:

  • Participants found the prototype easy to use, comprehensive, and visually appealing.

  • Navigation was intuitive and frictionless.

  • Layout and readability were well-received, making key features stand out.

Opportunity for Engagement:

  • Gamification elements like streaks and achievement badges were motivating.

  • Users anticipated new badges and challenges, suggesting high engagement potential.

Potential for Behavioral Change:

  • Veego effectively addressed barriers to dietary change.

  • Users felt the app boosted their self-efficacy and eco-friendly eating habits.

  • Features like daily journals, feedback, and goal-setting were appreciated for promoting awareness and habit formation.

Deliver πŸ“¦

Final design

After extensive research, brainstorming, and user feedback, we refined our initial concepts into a high fidelity design that truly meets the needs of our users. Here’s how we brought Veego to life:

Onboarding survey

A set of questions regarding users' goals and motivations. Veego will generate goals that feel more personal, as well as customised recipes and restaurant recommendations based on survey results. 

Browse and save recipes

Explore a world of personalised plant-based delights with Veego's Recipe feature. Save favourites, cook confidently, and embrace diverse vegan cuisines for an inspiring kitchen journey.

Goal tracking

Choose daily vegan goals, track progress, and stay committed.

Find recipe and add to cart

Save time and find recipes based on cooking time, nutrition, meal type, etc. Easily add ingredients to your shopping cart, simplifying your grocery experience. Happy cooking!

Find restaurants

Tailor your search to find the perfect vegan dining spot. Save your favourite restaurants for easy access.

Browse vegan guides

Discover comprehensive Vegan Guides with Veego. Access essential insights, tips, and advice for a smooth plant-based transition

User profile and settings

Elevate your vegan journey with Veego's Profile Page! Track impactful stats, maintain streaks, unlock achievement badges, and customise settings for a personalised experience

Takeaways πŸ’­

✨ The best design comes from collaboration  

It was amazing to see how each person was able to bring to the table a different perspective during the brainstorming and sketching sessions. The diversity of ideas means we could mix and match to produce an optimal solution that is both feasible and creative based on the requirements set forth. 


✨ When in doubt, go back to user insights  

There were several times during the design process when we have doubts about deciding among several possible directions to move forward. And what helped us the most was referring back to our user goals and pain points, questionnaire results, and quotes from user interviews, in this way we not only remembered our design requirements, but also why we created them in the first place. 


✨ Focus on the problem

Thoroughly assessing user needs is vital to building an effective product, at the end of the day, it is your users pains that you will be solving for so keeping that front of mind is important. 


✨ Visual matters, a lot

Feedback from users suggested that aesthetics play a large role in perceived usability and system  trustworthiness. 

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